Caring for Creation Across Peru

By Grazia Rabasa

A Rocha Peru continues to spread awareness of the importance of conservation and preservation of God’s Creation in collaboration with the Ministry Training Center of the Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church in Peru (IEPRP).  Pastor Camilo Díaz delivered a Creation Care Course virtually over three months from August last year. The Stewardship of Creation Course represents a significant step in our mission to promote the integrity of creation and the well-being of all life forms in Peru.

During the Creation Care Course, twelve church leaders and pastors from across the country delved into a profound reflection on their role as responsible stewards of God’s creation.   Participants had the opportunity to explore topics such as the intersection between faith and science, the importance of environmental care from a biblical perspective, and the active role that religious communities can play in protecting God’s creation.  The participants are committed to carry out environmental initiatives in their communities.

One of the highlights of the course was its national reach. Leaders and pastors from different regions of the country joined this initiative, thus consolidating a national network of change agents committed to environmental care.   Also, visits were made to churches in towns such as Huanta and Huamanga in Ayacucho. These visits revealed a high potential for extending the activities of the Green Church Project in these areas, demonstrating the impact and relevance of the work done so far.

A Rocha Peru remains committed to promoting environmental care through educational and practical initiatives. With the support of leaders and pastors from churches nationwide, as well as the general community, we will continue to move towards a more sustainable future, mindful of the importance of stewardship of creation.  We continue to work together to preserve and protect the most precious gift we have received: our planet Earth.

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